Vybrané publikace
Monografie a sborníkyČlánky a kapitoly v monografiíchVýkopové a prospekční zprávyKonference
- Stančo, L. – Tušlová, P. eds. 2019: Sherabad Oasis: Tracing Historical Landscape in Southern Uzbekistan. Prague.
- Tisucká, M – Stančo, L. eds. 2016: Afghanistan. Rescued treasures of Buddhism. Exhibition catalogue. National Museum. Prague.
- Stančo, L. 2012: Greek Gods in the East. Hellenistic Iconographic Schemes in Central Asia. Prague.
- Abdullaev, K. – Stančo, L. (eds.) 2011: Jandavlattepa. The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006. Prague.
- Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, L. – Militký, J. – Kmošek, M. – Bek, T.: New Hellenistic coin finds from the Baysun and Kugitang Piedmonts, southern Uzbekistan, season 2018. Submitted to Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia.
- Stančo, L.: What is Roman about Central Asia? Acta Euroasiatica 4-5, in print.
- Stančo, L. – Martínez Ferreras, V. – Kysela, J. 2022: Pottery of the steppe piedmonts of the Bactro-Sogdian Borderlands: the case of Iskandar Tepa (mid-2nd–1st c. BC). Archaeological Research in Asia 31, September 2022, 100373, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ara.2022.100373
- Stančo, L. 2021: In the shadow of the Wall: Hellenistic settlement in the Baysun and Kugitang piedmonts. Studia Hercynia, 25/2, 64–95.
- Stančo L.: Sistema mer dliny v Kušanskoj imperii. In Balakhvantsev A., Makkaveev N.: Эпоха империй. Восточный Иран от Ахеменидов до Сасанидов: история, археология, культура. Moskva, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, s. • p. 213-218. ISBN 978-5-89282-972-4.
- Stančo L.: Southern Uzbekistan. In Mairs R.: The Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek World. London, Routledge, 2020, s. • p. 249-285. ISBN 978-1-138-09069-9.
- Stančo L., Pazout A.: Which way to Roxane: Mobility networks in the heartland of Central Asia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020, č. • no. 32. ISSN 2352-409X.
- Stančo L.: New data on the Iron Age in the Sherabad district, South Uzbekistan. In Lhuillier J., Boroffka N.: A Millennium of History: The Iron Age in southern Central Asia (2nd and 1st Millennia BC). Proceedings of the conference held in Berlin (June 23–25, 2014). Dedicated to the memory of Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2018, s. • p. 171-188. ISBN 978-3-496-01594-9.
- Stančo, L. 2018: Getting rotary: introduction of rotary quern stones in Ancient Bactria. In: Sagdullaev, A. S. (ed.), The problems of history, archaeology and ethnology of Central Asia. Tashkent, 118-128.
- Stančo, L. 2018: New data on the Iron Age in the Sherabad district, South Uzbekistan. In: Johanna Lhuillier, Nikolaus Boroffka (eds.), A Millennium of History. The Iron Age in southern Central Asia (2nd and 1st Millennia BC). Dedicated to the memory of Viktor Ivanovič Sarianidi. Proceedings of the conference held in Berlin (June 23-25, 2014). Archäologie in Iran und Turan, Band 17, 171-188.
- Stančo, L. 2017: Facing the lion. Appliqué in form of a lion head on the Late Kushan pottery. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 47, 2015, 143-158.
- Stančo, L. 2016: Mes ʽAynak and the Art of Gandhara. In: Tiscuká, M. – Stančo, L. eds., Afghanistan. Rescued treasures of Buddhism. Exhibition catalogue. National Museum. Prague, 28-47.
- Stančo, L. 2015: An unusual Khotanese terracotta head from the Sherabad oasis. Studia HercyniaXIX/1, 218-226.
- Stančo, L. 2013: Late Antique fine ware dishes with indented rim in Bactria. Diffusion or evolution? Parthica 15, 127-156.
- Stančo, L. 2011: Sector 20, the so-called “Citadel”, In: Jandavlattepa. The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006, Prague, 27-93.
- Stančo, L. 2007: The Portrait Tradition of Ancient Bactria. EIRENE. 2007, XLIII, 186-193.
- Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, Sh. – Kysela, J. – Bek, T. – Kmošek, M. – Toshaliev, K. – Mrvová, P. –Votroubeková, T. – Matznerová, J. 2022: The Iron Gate and its environs in the Hellenistic period. Preliminary report for archaeological research in the Baysun District (South Uzbekistan), Season 2019. Studia Hercynia 26/2, 91–114.
- Damašek L., Kinaston R., Kramer R., Šmolková M., Pilař D., Shaydullaev S., Stančo L.: Archaeological excavations at Lungi Tepa, south Uzbekistan. Preliminary Report for Season 2019. Studia Hercynia, 2021, č. • no. XXIV, s. • p. 159-178. ISSN 1212-5865
- Shaydullaev S., Stančo L., Khamidov O., Augustinová A., Havlík J., Havlíková H., Mrvová P., Votroubeková T., Damašek L., Bek T., Kmošek M., Mach P.: O’zbekiston-Chexiya chalqaro arxeologik ekspediciyasining 2018 yilda Surchondaryo viloyatida olib borgan archeologik tadqiqotlari. In Maksudov F.: O’zbekistonda arxeologik tadqiqotlar 2018 yillar. Son 12. Samarqand, O’zbekiston respublikasi fanlar akademiyasi milliy arxeologiya markazi, 2020, s. • p. 345-351. ISBN 978-9943-5505-6-8.
- Havlík J., Havlíková H., Stančo L.: Kurgans of the Eastern Kugitang Piedmonts. Preliminary Report for Season 2018. Studia Hercynia, 2019, č. • no. 22, s. • p. 147-172. ISSN 1212-5865.
- Stančo L., Augustinová A., Damašek L., Bek T., Kmošek M., Shaydullaev S., Khamidov O.: In the footsteps of Euthydemus. Preliminary report for archaeological survey in the Baysun District (South Uzbekistan), Season 2018. Studia Hercynia, 2019, č. • no. 23, s. • p. 141-172. ISSN 1212-5865.
- Stančo L., Augustinová A., Havlík J., Cejnarová P., Shaydullaev S., Shaydullaev A.: Archaeological Survey in the eastern Kugitang Piedmonts (South Uzbekistan), Preliminary Report for Seasons 2016 and 2017. Studia Hercynia, 2018, č. • no. 21, s. • p. 121-138. ISSN 1212-5865.
- Augustinová A., Stančo L., Damašek L., Kolmačka T., Khamidov O., Shaydullaev S.: Archaeological Survey in the Oases of Maydon and Goz in the Piedmont of the Kugitang Mountains (South Uzbekistan) – Preliminary report for season 2017. Studia Hercynia [online], 2018, č. • no. XXI, s. • p. 139-159. ISSN 2336-8144.
- Havlík J., Stančo L., Kysela J., Cejnarová P., Havlíková H., Votroubeková T.: Kurgans of the Eastern Kugitang Piedmonts. Preliminary Report on Excavations in Seasons 2015-2017. Studia Hercynia, 2018, č. • no. 22, s. • p. 183-206. ISSN 1212-5865.
- Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, Sh. – Augustinová, A. – Havlík, J. – Smělý, T. – Shaydullaev, A. – Khamidov, O. – Novák, V. 2018: Preliminary Report for the Archaeological Survey in the Baysun District (South Uzbekistan), Season 2017. Studia Hercynia XXII, 134–157.
- Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, Sh. – Shaydullaev, A. – Augustinová, A. – Havlík, J. – Cejnarová, P. 2017: Archaeological Survey in the eastern Kugitang Piedmonts (South Uzbekistan), Preliminary Report for Seasons 2016 and 2017. Studia Hercynia XXI/2, 121-138.
- Kysela, J. – Stančo, L. – Shaydullayev, Sh. – Palmeri, G. 2017: Preliminary Report on Excavations at Burgut Kurgan in 2016. Studia Hercynia XXI/1, 89–103.
- Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, Sh. – Bendezu-Sarmiento, J. – Lhuillier, J. – Kysela, J. – Shaydullaev, A. – Khamidov, O. – Havlík, J. – Tlustá, J. 2016: Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Burgut Kurgan in 2015. Studia Hercynia XX/2, 86–111.
- Stančo, L. 2016: Archaeological Survey in the Surroundings of Kayrit (South Uzbekistan), Preliminary Report for Season 2015. Studia Hercynia XX/2, 73–85.
- Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, Sh. – Bendezu-Sarmiento, J. – Pažout, A. – Vondrová, H. 2015: Kayrit burial site (south Uzbekistan): preliminary report for season 2014. Studia Hercynia XVIII/1-2, 31-41.
- Danielisová, A. – Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, A. 2010: Preliminary report of archaeological survey in Sherabad District, South Uzbekistan in 2009. Studia Hercynia XIV, 67-90.
- Stančo, Ladislav 2009: The activities in Uzbekistan in the 2008 season: testing the Google Earth as a tool for archaeological prospecting. Studia Hercynia XIII, 115-122.
- Stančo, L. 2022: Euthydemus wages war: Darband Wall in the Bactro-Sogdian borderlands reconsidered“ prezentováno na konferenci „V. Hellenistic Warfare Conference“, 12.-13. května 2022, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Stančo, L. 2022: The answer is 42: Bactro-Sogdian borderlands in the Hellenistic period (state of discipline), prezentováno na konferenci “Entangled Pasts and Presents: Temporal Interactions and Knowledge Production in the Study of Hellenistic Central Asia (HCARN 4)”, 24. do 26. března. Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS).
- Stančo, L. – Kysela, J. – Milo, P. – Tencer, T. 2021: Недавние археологические и геофизические исследования на позднеэллинистическом городище Искандар-Тепа, Сурхандарья. Prezentováno na konferenci „Эллинизированный Восток: традиции и инновации“,
18. listopadu 2021, Taškent/online.
- Stančo, L. 2021: Who is „beyond the wall? Bactro-Sogdian borderlands in the Seleukid and Greco-Bactrian policies. Prezentováno na konferenci „Urbanization and Settlement Networks as Nodes of Connectivity in Afro Eurasian Frontier Zones (300 BCE – 300 CE )“, 23.-24. září 2021, Freiburg/online.
- Stančo, L. – Kysela, J. 2021: From Alexander to Eucratides: New research of the Hellenistic Central Asia. Prezentováno na konferenci “12ICAANE“, 8. dubna 2021, Bologna/online.
- Stančo, L. 2019: Living at the Iron Gates: New research on the settlement pattern in the Bactria – Sogdiana borderlands. Prezentováno na konferenci “International Seminar on Archaeology of Central Asia“, 14. ledna 2019, Vilnius.
- Stančo, L. 2018: In the shadow of the Wall: Hellenistic settlement in the Baysun and Kugitang piedmonts, prezentováno na konferenci „Seen from Oxyartes´ Rock: Central Asia under and after Alexander“, 15. listopadu 2018, Praha.
- Stančo, L. – Shaydullaev, Sh. 2018: Некоторые результаты археологических исследований в предгорьях Кугитанга в 2016 и 2017 годах, prezentováno na konferenci „Формирование историко-культурных областей в Центральной Азии и проблемы этнической географии“, 27. září 2018, Taškent.
- Stančo, L. 2018: Where your means are limited: Water management in steppe of the southern Uzbekistan, prezentováno na konferenci EAA 2018 v Barceloně v sekci Human-Water interconnections in the dry environments of the Near East and Central Asia, 7. září 2018.
- Stančo, L. 2018: Focused on triangles and circles: some peculiarities of the incised pottery decoration of the Hellenistic period in Central Asia, prezentováno na konferenci EAA 2018 v Barceloně v sekci Ancient pottery in Central Asia: large scale perspective on the production systems and the cultural interactions, 8. září 2018.
- Stančo, L. 2018: Как долгая была стопа Канишки? система единиц измерения в Кушанской империи. Международная научная конференция памяти Бориса Анатольевича Литвинского «Эпоха империй. Восточный Иран от Ахеменидов до Сасанидов: история, археология, культура», Институт востоковедения РАН. 16-18 апреля 2018 г. Moskva.
- Stančo, L. 2017: Cult of divine heroes in Hellenistic Bactria: Heracles, Dioscuri and the others prezentováno na konferenci „Ritual Matters Archaeology and Religion in Hellenistic Central Asia, 2.-4. listopadu, Berlin.
- Stančo, L. 2017: Bactria/Tokharistan in the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D. Selected Problems of Settlement Patterns and Material Culture, prezentováno v rámci workshopu „Eastern Iran and Western Central Asia during Late Antiquity (3rd-5th cent. CE): Numismatics, Archaeology, and Art History in Dialogue“, 29.9.2017, ISAW, New York.
- Stančo, L. 2017: Kugitang foothills in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age: preliminary observations , prezentováno na kolokviu (Czech-French archaeological colloquium ) „TOWARDS IRON AGES: Southern Central Asia and Afghanistan in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age“, 23. června 2017, Praha.