I have a double bachelor degree in Geography and Archaeology/Art history at Sorbonne University. Then I continued with a Master degree from 2016 to 2018 at Sorbonne University, under the supervision of Prof. Nathalie-Cécile Ginoux, on the topic „Exchanges and circulation on the amber road during the Bronze Age: the case of the upper Elbe valley„. I’ve worked on collections from the Museum of National Archaeology in France and with those from the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. In 2019, I started a PhD in cotutelle between Charles University and Sorbonne University, supervised by doc. PhDr. Peter Pavúk and Prof. Nathalie-Cécile Ginoux, about „Exchange and material circulation between the Baltic and Mediterranean areas from the 3rd to the beginning of the 1st millennium BC„. I study the context of natural and archaeological amber deposits during the Bronze and Iron Ages. The study is made by means of an interdisciplinary approach including chemistry to determine the origin of the material and high resolution microscopy for traceological and valorisation purposes as well as for material characterization.The final aim would be to better understand the involvement of amber in local, interregional or continental material exchanges.