Between the Celts and the Northern People

Between the Celts and the Northern People: Interactions between the Middle and Late La Tène Societies in Central Europe

This project investigates the interplay between the La Tène and Jastorf/Przeworsk cultural communities in Silesia, Moravia, and Bohemia during the late pre-Roman Iron Age, marked by significant socio-economic transformations. This study aims to elucidate these communities’ socio-economic dynamics and environmental interactions, which coexisted within the same geographical spaces yet adhered to distinct cultural practices and economic models.

The project shall catalogue and analyse archaeological evidence from various museum collections, focusing on subsistence strategies through archaeobotanical and archaeozoological methods. Specific techniques include the analysis of pollen and plant macro-remains in soil samples, as well as the examination of faunal remains to determine herd composition and subsistence patterns. Additionally, residue analyses of ceramic and stone artefacts will be conducted to identify usage patterns and the types of materials processed.

The research will explore the relationships between material culture, settlement patterns, and environmental adaptations, contributing to broader discussions on cultural interaction and resource utilisation in ancient societies. By integrating previously overlooked evidence and employing advanced analytical techniques, this study seeks to provide a nuanced perspective on the cultural and economic transformations that shaped the region during this pivotal historical period.

This three-year assignment will result in the creation of a comprehensive database of finds and sites alongside a series of publications.

The research team comprises the Primary Investigator (PI), documentalists responsible for preparing graphic records and assisting with site and artefact cataloguing and specialists in archaeobotany, archaeozoology, and organic residue analysis, ensuring a comprehensive data collection and interpretation approach.

Úvod > Věda a výzkum > Projekty > Střední Evropa > Between the Celts and the Northern People