Joanna E. Markiewicz
Joanna E. Markiewicz studied Scandinavian Studies at the University of Gdańsk, earning a master’s degree, and archaeology at the University of Wrocław, earning her PhD in 2018. Her dissertation explored the relationship between the cultural and economic change north of the Carpathians and Sudetes in light of the periodically increasing and diminishing influences from the La Tène cultural zone. Pursuing her studies, she obtained fellowships, teaching positions, and research stays at the University of Oslo (2007), Freie Universität in Berlin (2010-2011), Moesgård Museum in Århus (2012), University of Minnesota (2014-2015) and University of Hradec Králové (2023-2024).
Between 2020 and 2022, she held a post-doc position at the University of Wrocław as a team member in a project: ‘The Lords of the Amber Road: Studies on the Craftsmanship, Trade and Long-distance Contacts of the La Tène Culture Societies from Southern Poland’ financed by the Polish National Science Centre.
Her main fields of study are settlement and economic patterns, movement strategies, and production techniques among the societies of the La Tène period. Since 2010, she has managed and participated in excavation campaigns of Silesian sites from this period, such as the Lower Silesian Bytomin (Bytnik) near Głogów and Upper Silesian Samborowice near Racibórz.
She is the Principal Investigator in the project: ‘Between the Celts and the Northern People: Interactions between the Middle and Late La Tène Societies in Central Europe’ funded by GAČR (25-15914I).
Vybrané publikace
- Joanna E. Markiewicz, The Puzzle of Silesia’s Pre-Roman Iron Age: The Settlement at Graniczna Street in Wrocław, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 39, 2024, 79-125.
- Przemysław Dulęba, Joanna E. Markiewicz, The lords of the Amber Road: amber storage, distribution and processing in the early Iron Age and the La Tène period, Prähistorische Zeitschrift 98 (1), 2023, 310-337.
- Przemysław Dulęba, Joanna E. Markiewicz, Breslau-Hartlieb revisited: new light cast on the amber deposits from the Pre-Roman Iron Age site of Wrocław-Partynice 1, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 51 (4), 2021, 363-391.
- Joanna E. Markiewicz, Economy and Cultural Change in the Pre-Roman Iron Age in Northern Central Europe: Tracing the La Tène factor by the River Oder, Oxford, 2019.
- Joanna E. Markiewicz, Cultural change in economy, economic change in culture: the case of the younger Pre-Roman Iron Age Oder River area. In: M. Olędzki, K. Kot-Legieć, A. Michałowski, M. Piotrowska (eds), Kultura przeworska: Procesy przemian i kontakty zewnętrzne / Przeworsk culture: Transformation processes and external contacts, Łódź 2019, 79-87.
- Joanna Markiewicz, Marcin Diakowski, The Wild Boar at the Oder Shore: on a Boar’s Tusk Ivory Plate from the Early Bronze Age Found in Bytomin (woj. dolnośląskie/PL), Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 51 (4), 2016, 43-56.
- Joanna Markiewicz, Artur Błażejewski (eds), Osada i cmentarzysko z epoki żelaza na stanowiskach Bytomin (Bytnik) 1 i 6, Wrocław 2016. Joanna Markiewicz, Osada z młodszego okresu przedrzymskiego na stanowisku Bytomin (Bytnik) 6, gm. Głogów. In: Joanna Markiewicz, Artur Błażejewski (eds), Osada i cmentarzysko z epoki żelaza na stanowiskach Bytomin (Bytnik) 1 i 6, Wrocław 2016, 67-146.
- Joanna E. Markiewicz, Pre-Roman Iron Age settlement structures in the middle Odra and Elbe regions. In: S. Hornung (ed.), Produktion – Distribution – Ökonomie Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsmuster der Latènezeit, Akten des internationalen Kolloquiums in Otzenhausen, 28.-30. Oktober 2011, Bonn 2014, 429-446.
- Artur Błażejewski, Marcin Diakowski, Joanna Markiewicz, Wstępne wyniki badań osady z młodszego okresu przedrzymskiego na stanowisku Bytomin (Bytnik) 6, gm. Głogów, Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 54, 2012, 161-183.